Friday, February 04, 2005

Giving Birth to a blog

Honestly, I understand now how it feels to be a woman. This blog is like a baby with a giant-sized head that is lodged between my legs, screaming to come out. After hours of labor, though, I think it is finally here. We decided to call it Break Points after significant brainstorming. There was something magical about it. I am T-Bot, the administrator, or as altitude likes to call me, the Editor in Chief. Altitude is the newest member. He comes from a background in writing, having received a Masters from NYU. In fact, he just quit his job at a magazine to write for Break Points. So welcome on board, altitude! My background is more dynamic. I study international politics with a minor in mining. This is my old blog. I am quite tired today. Last night I had a party and it simply never ended. My last memory is holding onto the side of a moving car with some kind of snow board on my feet. I don't even think there was much snow on the ground either. Wow, imagine the friction! If anyone knows anything about the satanic symbols burned into my forehead, please email me.


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